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Mrs. Eka Yuliana | Service Science | Best Researcher Award.

Telkom University,Indonesia

Professional Profiles:




 👨‍🎓 Bio Summary:

Eka Yuliana, ST., MSM., CECP., CBC, is a distinguished academic and professional with extensive experience in both education and business. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from the Islamic University of Bandung and a Master’s degree in Science Management from Institut Teknologi Bandung, where she is currently completing her Doctoral studies in Science Management. Eka serves as an Assistant Professor at SBM-ITB and a Full-Time Lecturer at the Economics & Business Faculty of Telkom University. Her professional roles extend to being the Business Development Director at PT. Systect Reka Prima and the Co-Founder of PT. Fella Integrated Technology. Certified as a National Lecturer of Indonesia, a Certified Entrepreneur Coach Professional, and a Certified Business Coach, Eka’s research focuses on entrepreneurship, digital economy, and service-dominant logic. She has contributed significantly to both national and international journals and is recognized for her work on the influence of online reviews, social media, and educational strategies on entrepreneurial intentions and consumer behavior.

🎓 Education:

Eka Yuliana earned her Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering at the Islamic University of Bandung in 2002. She then completed her Master’s degree in Science Management from the School of Business Management at Institut Teknologi Bandung in 2010. Currently, she is in the final year of her Doctoral studies in Science Management at the same institution.

🔍 Research Focus:

Eka’s research primarily revolves around entrepreneurship, digital economy, and service-dominant logic. Her studies often explore the intersection of technology and business, with a particular emphasis on how social media and online reviews influence consumer behavior and entrepreneurial intentions. She also delves into the impact of education on entrepreneurship and business model innovation.

🏆 Honors & Awards:

Eka is a National Lecturer of Indonesia and holds certifications as a Certified Entrepreneur Coach Professional and a Certified Business Coach from Coaching Indonesia. Her contributions to academia and industry have been recognized through various awards and honors, including her roles as an Associate Editor at the International Journal of Technology Analysis & Strategic Management and a member of the Asian Council of Science Editors (ACSE)

Professional Experience: 💼

Since 2018, Eka has been serving as an Assistant Professor and Doctoral Science Management Student at SBM-ITB. She has been a Full-Time Lecturer at the Economics & Business Faculty of Telkom University since 2013. From 2016 to 2018, she headed the Learning Management Affair at the International Class Academic Office of Telkom University. Eka is also the Business Development Director at PT. Systect Reka Prima, a position she has held since 2006. Additionally, she co-founded PT. Fella Integrated Technology in 2022. Her earlier career includes significant roles in the oil and gas industry with Total Indonesia Fina Elf and in the chemical industry with DyStar Colours Indonesia.

📚 Top Noted Publications :

Title: Pernikahan Adat Jawa dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam
Authors: E. Yuliana, A.A. Zafi
Journal: Al-Mashlahah Jurnal Hukum Islam dan Pranata Sosial
Volume: 8 (02)
Pages: 315-326
Year: 2020
Citations: 20

Title: Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Script Terhadap Hasil Belajar Bahasa Indonesia SD
Authors: E. Yuliana, T.G. Satria, R.A.B. Kusnanto
Journal: Edu Cendikia: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan
Volume: 1 (03)
Pages: 203-210
Year: 2021
Citations: 17

Title: Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Android dengan Program Adobe Flash CS 6 untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMA IT Granada Samarinda
Authors: E. Yuliana, L. Subagiyo
Journal: Jurnal Literasi Pendidikan Fisika (JLPF)
Volume: 1 (02)
Pages: 105-114
Year: 2020
Citations: 16

Title: Pengaruh Perceived Value dan Social Influence terhadap Purchase Intention Smartphone 4G pada Pelanggan Bandung Electronic Center
Authors: H.T. Eryadi, E. Yuliana
Journal: eProceedings of Management
Volume: 3 (1)
Year: 2016
Citations: 16

Title: Pengaruh Kemampuan Intelektual dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Guru Mata Diklat Produktif Penjualan di SMK Bisnis dan Manajemen Se-Kabupaten Kebumen
Author: E. Yuliana
Institution: Universitas Negeri Semarang
Year: 2006
Citations: 16

Author Metrics 📊 : 

Eka’s research work is well-recognized, with an h-index of 8 and an i10-index of 5. Her detailed research contributions can be explored further on her Orcid ID and Google Scholar profile.

📅 Research Timeline:

2019: Analysis of customer online reviews’ role in building trust and buying interest in Indonesian tourism products.

2019: Comparative analysis of value propositions and channels in business model canvases for barbershops in Bandung.

2019: Examination of factors influencing entrepreneurial intentions among millennial students.

2018: Study on the implementation of entrepreneurial education in vocational schools.

2015: Analysis of the positioning of top Chinese smartphone brands based on consumer perceptions in Bandung.

2020: Exploration of the evolution of halal logistics in Southeast Asia and the role of online reviews in digital tourism.

2021 – Present: Ongoing research on service-dominant logic in technology-based business incubators and value co-creation service systems.

Mrs Eka Yuliana | Service Science | Best Researcher Award |

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