Dr Imen Dhief | Air Traffic Management

Dr Imen Dhief : Leading Researcher in Air Traffic Management

Nanyang Technological University , Singapore

🌟 Congratulations, Dr Imen Dhief , on Winning the Best Researcher Award! 🏆 from Award and Honor! Your dedication, innovative research, and scholarly contributions have truly made a significant impact in your field. Your commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of research is commendable. Here’s to your continued success in shaping the future of academia and making invaluable contributions to your field. Well done!

Welcome to the world of Dr. Imen Dhief, a trailblazing researcher in Air Traffic Management! 🚀 With a Ph.D. in Aeronautics-Astronautics, specializing in Applied Mathematics, Dr. Dhief has soared to new heights in optimizing oceanic air traffic. Her dissertation, an “Algorithmic approach to optimize ocean air traffic,” showcases her commitment to advancing aviation technology.

Professional Profiles:




🎓 Education:

Ph.D. in Aeronautics-Astronautics (Speciality in Applied Mathematics), Sept. 2018

Dissertation title: Algorithmic approach to optimize ocean air traffic in the absence of an OTS network.

MAIAA Optim research team at ENAC, National School of Civil Aviation, Toulouse, France, and HANA research team at ENSI, National Engineering School of Computer Science, Manouba, Tunisia.

Bachelor Degree 2010–2013

Computer science engineering, National Engineering School of Computer Science (ENSI), Manouba, Tunisia.

Licence Degree 2008–2010

The national competition of entrance to engineering schools (Math-Physics), IPEIT, Tunis, Tunisia.

👩‍💼 Experience:

Research Fellow (Jan. 2023 – Present):

Air Traffic Management Research Institute (ATMRI) – Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)

Project leader: Mixed Airspace Integration Con-ops Models for Singapore

Technical environment: Python.

Research Fellow (Oct. 2020 – Dec. 2022):

SAAB-NTU Joint Lab – Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)

Project leader for AI Assistant for Arrival Sequencing and Optimal Routing in Terminal Maneuvering Airspace (TMA) and Safety performance metrics for remote tower control operations.

Technical environment: Python.

Research Fellow (Apr. 2019 – Sept.2020):

Air Traffic Management Research Institute (ATMRI) – Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)

Conducted research on speed control strategies for Extended-Arrival Manager System (E-AMAN) and Trajectory prediction in Terminal Maneuvering Area.

Technical environment: MySQL, Python.

🚀 Ph.D. Thesis (2014-2018): Optimization of the North Atlantic air traffic:

Explored challenges in oceanic air traffic, specifically the North Atlantic Air traffic.

Introduced Free Flight concept within oceanic flights using Flocking Boid Model.

Proposed the WOTN route structure for North Atlantic air traffic, optimizing for robustness and wind.

Implemented a strategic planning algorithm using Simulated Annealing in JAVA.

🌐 Internship:

Research Internship (04.2014-09.2014):

Six-month internship in ENAC-MAIAA team, focused on air traffic management and optimization algorithms.

Technical environment: JAVA

📚 Publications:

Journal Publications

1. Imen Dhief, Sameer Alam, Chan Chea Mean and Nimrod Lilith, A Machine Learned Go-AroundPrediction Model using Pilot-in-the-loop Simulations, Transportation Research Part C: EmergingTechnologies, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2022.103704 (IF: 6.664, SCI: 3.211 Q1)

2. Lim Zhi Jun, Sameer Alam, Imen Dhief, Michael Schultz Towards a greener Extended-ArrivalManager in air traffic control: A heuristic approach for dynamic speed control using machinelearned delay prediction model, Journal of Air Transport Management, 2022.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2022.102250 (IF: 5.428, SCI: 1.556 Q2).

3. Imen Dhief, Olga Rodionova, Nour Elhouda Dougui, Daniel Delahaye, A comparison between two windoptimal strategic flight plannings for the North Atlantic airspace, Journal of Air Transportation,January 2019.https://doi.org/10.2514/1.D0110 (IF:0.83 , SCI:0.398).

Conference Publications

1. Zhengyi Wang, Imen Dhief, Wei Zhou, Sameer Alam, Sven Kaltenhäuser and Tobias Rabus, IntegratedAir and Space Traffic Management: An Agent-Based Simulation for Analysis of Space-LaunchImpact on Air Traffic, 13th SESAR Innovation Days, 2023.

2. Imen Dhief, Mir Feroskhan, Sameer Alam, Nimrod Lilith and Daniel Delahaye, Meta-HeuristicsApproach for Arrival Sequencing and Delay Absorption through Automated Vectoring, IEEECongress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2023.

3. Lam Jun Guang Andy, Sameer Alam, Nimrod Lilith, Imen Dhief and Rajesh Piplani, Machine Learned Prediction of Runway Configuration Transition Times for Capacity Analysis, International Workshop on ATM/CNS (IWAC), 2022.

4. Imen Dhief, Sameer Alam, Chan Chea Mean and Nimrod Lilith, Go-around Prediction for an airportrunway system using a Tree-based Machine Learning model, 11th SESAR Innovation Days,2021.

5. Lam Jun Guang Andy, Sameer Alam, Rajesh Piplani, Nimrod Lilith and Imen Dhief, A DecisionTree Based Continuous Learning Framework for Real-Time Prediction of Runway Capacities,Integrated Communications Navigation and Surveillance Conference (ICNS), 2021.

6. Imen Dhief, Zhi Jun Lim, Sim Kuan Goh, Duc-Thinh Pham, Sameer Alam and Michael Schultz, SpeedControl Strategies for E-AMAN usingHolding Detection-Delay Prediction Model, 10th SESAR Innovation Days, 2020.

7. Zhi Jun Lim, Imen Dhief, Sim Kuan Goh and Sameer Alam, Causal Effects of Landing Parameterson Runway Occupancy Time using Causal Machine Learning Models, IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2020.

🌐 Conference Activities:

Lead coordinator for organizing MERLION Workshop.

Presenter at IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE-CEC).

Session chair at the 40th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC).

Local organizing co-chair on the 1st conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics in Air Transportation (AIDA-AT 2020).

👩‍🏫 Teaching Activities:

Conducted tutorials and classes on subjects like Machine learning, Numerical Analysis, C programming, etc.

💻 Technical Skills:

Programming Languages: C++, C, Java, Python, Pascal, MIPS, XML, Mapel, Matlab.

Mathematics: Optimization, Modeling, mathematical analysis, Statistics.

Optimization Algorithms: Simulated Annealing, Particle Swarm Optimization, Genetic Algorithm.

Development Tools: Eclipse, Visual Studio, Jupiter Notebook.

Database: PL/SQL, MySQL, Oracle.


Dr. Dhief’s commitment to advancing Air Traffic Management, coupled with her expertise in applied mathematics and computer science, has set a new standard in the field. Her groundbreaking work on optimizing oceanic air traffic and introducing novel concepts like the Flocking Boid Model and Wind-Optimal Trajectory Network (WOTN) demonstrates a profound dedication to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in aviation technology. ✈️🔍