Mr Cheikh Baye BRAHAM| Fisheries

Mr Cheikh Baye BRAHAM : Leading Researcher in Fisheries

Institut Mauritanien de Recherches Océanographiques et des Poches (IMROP), Nouadhibou, Mauritania

🌟 Congratulations, Mr Cheikh Baye BRAHAM, on Winning the Best Researcher Award! 🏆 from Award and Honor! Your dedication, innovative research, and scholarly contributions have truly made a significant impact in your field. Your commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of research is commendable. Here’s to your continued success in shaping the future of academia and making invaluable contributions to your field. Well done!

Cheikh Baye BRAHAM, your dedication and contributions to fisheries science are truly commendable. Your expertise and leadership have significantly impacted the sustainable management of pelagic resources. 🌊🎓🏆

Professional Profiles:


📚 Education:

Master II in Fisheries Science, ENSAR, France

Doctorate in Ecosystems, University of Montpellier II, France

🚀 Career Path:

Chairman, FAO Working Group on Pelagic Resources (2019-present)

Coordinator, Small Pelagics Research, IMROP (2006-present)

Coordinator, Fishery Improvement Project Small Pelagics (2016-present)

Head, Fisheries Statistics Department, IMROP (2014-present)

Scientific Coordinator, Banc d’Arguin Monitoring Program (2009-present)

Researcher, Stock Assessment Laboratory (2000-2013)

🌐 Experience & Training:

Expert in stock assessment (FAO-Erétrie, 2022)

Expert biostatistician, DnS (USA, 2021-2022)

Consultant on fishmeal industry, FAO (Italy, 2020)

Independent consultant on value chains, COFAD/KFW (2020-2021)

Expert biostatistician, FAO (Mauritania, 2020)

Consultant on COVID19 impact, GIZ, PAM, FAO (2020)

Consultant on zoning impact, DDCOMAR (2020)

Consultant, Poseidon Fisheries Strategy Evaluation (2019)

Consultant, Courbine Development Plan (2019)

Consultant, Project Evaluation (PAAPMCPRSA, 2018)

Consultant, Project Mid-term Evaluation (PAAPMCPRSA, 2016)

Consultant, IFAD Project in Djibouti (2015)

Consultant, UNDP Project (2015)

📖 Publications:

Fisheries Research (268).2024 Overexploitation of round sardinella may lead to the collapse of flatsardinella : what lessons can be drawn for shared stocks. Cheikh-Baye Braham, Mohamed-AhmedJeyid, Jilali Bensbai, Fambaye Ngom, Ad Corten and Jo Gascoigne.

Fisheries improvement projects (FIP) for small pelagic fish in Mauritania : An example to follow for thecertification of fisheries in the north west African zone.2023.In soumission. Cheikh Baye Braham andJo Gascoigne.

Progress In Oceanography 164. 2018.Timothée Brochier, Pierre-Amaël Auger, Laure Pecquerie, EricMachu, Xavier Capet, Modou Thiaw, Baye Cheikh Mbaye, Cheikh-Baye Braham, Omar Ettahiri, NajibCharouki , Patrice Brehmer . Complex small pelagic fish population patterns arising from individual behavioral responses to their environment.

Fisheries Research 186 (2017) 328–336: Ad Corten, Cheikh Baye Braham and Ahmed Sadegh. 2017. The development of a fishmeal industry in Mauritania and its impact on the regional stocks of sardinella and other small pelagics in Northwest Africa

Palgrave Communications.2015. Dyhia Belhabib , Pierre Campredon, Najih Lazar, U. Rashid Sumaila,
Braham Cheikh Baye, Elimane Abou Kane and Daniel Pauly.

💻 Software Skills:

Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, SPSS, Spade, R, Arc-View, ArcGis, RGeoS, FisatII, FLR, IDL, Postgress, SQL Server

🏆 Awards and Recognitions:

Best Researcher Award in Fisheries Science

👨‍🔬 Other Highlights:

24 years of expertise in fisheries science

Active participation in scientific forums

Coordinator of Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) for small pelagic in Mauritania

ICCAT statistical correspondent in Mauritania

IMROP Statistical Correspondent to transmit FAO data


As a distinguished Fisheries Scientist, Cheikh Baye BRAHAM has demonstrated excellence, innovation, and commitment in advancing our understanding of marine ecosystems. His extensive research, impactful projects, and leadership roles make him a true trailblazer in the field. Congratulations on your achievements and the well-deserved recognition as the Best Researcher in Fisheries Science! 🎉🐠🔬