Mr Antonio Azambuja | Indústria 4.0 | Best Researcher Award |

Mr. Antonio Azambuja | Indústria 4.0 | Best Researcher Award.

Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica,Brazil

Professional Profiles:


👨‍🎓 Bio Summary:

Antonio João Gonçalves de Azambuja is an accomplished researcher and academic currently pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Informatics at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil. His research focuses on social engineering in network and system security, particularly automated bots and artificial intelligence actions. Additionally, Antonio is a visiting researcher at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, where he delves into cybersecurity and AI within Industry 4.0. His extensive academic journey includes two doctoral degrees, multiple specializations, and significant contributions to cybersecurity and information management.

🎓 Education:

Antonio is currently pursuing a second Ph.D. in Space Technologies Management at the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), focusing on a cybersecurity maturity model for Industry 4.0, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Vilson Rosa de Almeida. He holds a Ph.D. in Science Education from UFRGS, where his dissertation developed an information architecture maturity model to mitigate social impacts related to privacy, security, and information loss in Big Data. Antonio earned his Master’s in Knowledge Management and Information Technology from the Universidade Católica de Brasília, specializing in cybersecurity maturity models for federal public administration. He also completed various post-graduate programs in strategic IT management, software engineering, and information security.

🔍 Research Focus:

Antonio’s research primarily revolves around cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and their applications in Industry 4.0. His interests include developing maturity models for cybersecurity, investigating social engineering attacks using automated bots, and enhancing cyber defense mechanisms. He is also actively involved in exploring the intersection of cybersecurity with Big Data and digital twins in industrial contexts.

🏆 Honors & Awards:

Throughout his academic career, Antonio has been recognized for his contributions to cybersecurity and information management. He has received multiple accolades for his innovative research and has been invited to present his work at numerous national and international conferences. His dedication to advancing cybersecurity practices within the public and industrial sectors has earned him respect and acknowledgment in the academic community.

Professional Experience: 💼

Antonio is currently a postdoctoral researcher at UFRGS, working under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville and Prof. Dr. Jéferson Campos Nobre. He also serves as a visiting researcher at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, under Prof. Dr. Reiner Anderl and Prof. Dr. Benjamin Schleich. Antonio is a researcher at the Naval War College’s Scenario Simulation Laboratory, focusing on cybersecurity and cyber defense, led by Prof. Dr. Max Campos. His professional journey includes roles in academia and collaborative research projects across Brazil and Germany.

 📚 Top Noted Publications :

Digital Twins in Industry 4.0 – Opportunities and Challenges Related to Cyber Security

Authors: de Azambuja, A.J.G., Giese, T., Schützer, K., Schleich, B., Rosa Almeida, V.

Journal: Procedia CIRP

Year: 2024

Pages: 25–30

Citations: 1


Artificial Intelligence-Based Cyber Security in the Context of Industry 4.0—A Survey

Authors: de Azambuja, A.J.G., Plesker, C., Schützer, K., Schleich, B., Almeida, V.R.

Journal: Electronics (Switzerland)

Year: 2023

Volume and Issue: 12(8)

Article Number: 1920

Citations: 29


Analysis of Cyber Security Features in Industry 4.0 Maturity Models

Authors: de Azambuja, A.J.G., Kern, A., Anderl, R.

Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Year: 2022

Volume: 13106 LNCS

Pages: 91–106

Citations: 0

Author Metrics 📊 : 

Antonio’s contributions to the field of cybersecurity are well-documented in various high-impact publications. His work is frequently cited, reflecting the significance and influence of his research. He has co-authored multiple articles with prominent researchers, contributing valuable insights into cybersecurity and information management.

📅 Research Timeline:

Antonio’s research timeline demonstrates a progressive and focused approach to cybersecurity and information management. Beginning with his Master’s research on cybersecurity maturity models, he advanced to developing comprehensive frameworks for Big Data security during his first Ph.D. His current postdoctoral work and second Ph.D. continue to build on these foundations, exploring advanced cybersecurity solutions for Industry 4.0.

Mr Mohamed OUHSSINI | Cloud security | Best Research Article Award |

Mr. Mohamed OUHSSINI | Cloud security | Best Research Article Award.

University IBN Zohr,Morocco

Professional Profiles:




👨‍🎓 Bio Summary:

Mohamed OUHSSINI is a Professor in the Computer Science Department at University IBN ZHOR in Agadir, Morocco. His expertise spans cloud security, DDoS attack detection and mitigation, and the applications of machine learning and deep learning in IoT security. He has significantly contributed to advancing research and education in computer science, particularly in cybersecurity.

🎓 Education:

Mohamed OUHSSINI earned a Master’s degree in Computer Science in 2017. This academic background laid the foundation for his expertise in cloud security and related technologies, enabling him to address complex challenges in the field.

🔍 Research Focus:

Mohamed’s research interests include cloud security, DDoS attacks detection and mitigation, deep learning, machine learning, and IoT security. He focuses on developing comprehensive frameworks and proactive systems for detecting and preventing cyber threats in cloud environments.

🏆 Honors & Awards:

Throughout his career, Mohamed has received recognition for his contributions to computer science. His innovative approaches to cloud security and DDoS attack mitigation have garnered accolades in both academic and professional circles.

Professional Experience: 💼

Mohamed has been a Professor in high school for seven years, where he has dedicated himself to teaching and mentoring students in computer science. His practical experience in the field complements his academic endeavors, providing a well-rounded perspective on cybersecurity challenges and solutions.

📚 Top Noted Publications :

DeepDefend: A comprehensive framework for DDoS attack detection and prevention in cloud computing”
Ouhssini, M., Afdel, K., Agherrabi, E., Akouhar, M., Abarda, A.
Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences, 2024, 36(2), 101938
This paper presents a comprehensive framework for detecting and preventing DDoS attacks in cloud computing environments.

“Distributed intrusion detection system in the cloud environment based on Apache Kafka and Apache Spark”
Ouhssini, M., Afdel, K., Idhammad, M., Agherrabi, E.
5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Data Sciences, ICDS 2021, 2021
This conference paper discusses a distributed intrusion detection system leveraging Apache Kafka and Apache Spark, cited 4 times.

“Towards a Proactive System of DDoS Attacks Detection in the Cloud”
Ouhssini, M., Afdel, K., Agherrabi, E.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021, 1383 AISC, pp. 921–933
This conference paper explores a proactive system for detecting DDoS attacks in the cloud, aimed at enhancing security measures.

Author Metrics 📊 : 

Mohamed’s research contributions are reflected in his author metrics, with notable presence on platforms such as ORCID, ResearchGate, and Google Scholar. His Google Scholar profile, for example, showcases numerous citations and a strong h-index, highlighting the influence of his work in the academic community.

📅 Research Timeline:

Since obtaining his Master’s degree in 2017, Mohamed has consistently advanced his research in computer science. Over the past seven years, he has developed and refined methodologies for enhancing cloud security and mitigating DDoS attacks. His research timeline illustrates a dedicated effort to address pressing issues in cybersecurity through innovative solutions and collaborative projects.