Assoc Prof Dr Urban Larsson | Combinatorial Game Theory | Best Researcher Award |

Assoc Prof Dr. Urban Larsson | Combinatorial Game Theory | Best Researcher Award.

IIT Bombay,India

Professional Profiles:




👨‍🎓 Bio Summary:

Dr. Urban Larsson is an Associate Professor at IEOR, IIT Bombay, India. With a background in Mathematics, he specializes in Combinatorial Game Theory and Recursive Functions. His research focuses on developing algorithms and models for analyzing and optimizing complex decision-making processes. Dr. Larsson is dedicated to advancing the field of game theory through his academic contributions and editorial work.

🎓 Education:

Dr. Larsson obtained his PhD in Mathematics from Chalmers University, Sweden, in 2013. His dissertation, supervised by Prof. P. Hegarty and Doc. J. Wästlund, explored the realm of Impartial Games and Recursive Functions. Prior to his doctoral studies, he earned a Master of Science in Mathematics from Göteborgs Universitet in 2005.

🔍 Research Focus:

Dr. Larsson’s research interests revolve around Combinatorial Game Theory, where he investigates various aspects of impartial games, recursive comparison tests, and game values of arithmetic functions. He also delves into the application of game theory in fields such as mechanism design, algorithms, and computational complexity. His work aims to advance theoretical understanding and practical applications of game-theoretic concepts.

🏆 Honors & Awards:

Dr. Larsson has received prestigious honors and awards throughout his career, including the Aly Kaufman Fellowship in 2017 and the Killam Laureate for Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowships in 2014 and 2015. These recognitions reflect his significant contributions to the field of mathematics and game theory.

Professional Experience: 💼

Dr. Larsson has held various academic positions, including research fellowships at the National University of Singapore and Dalhousie University, Canada. He has also served as a visiting associate professor at IEOR, IIT Bombay. His extensive teaching experience includes courses in decision analysis, game theory, and computer programming.

📚 Top Noted Publications :

Invariant and dual subtraction games resolving the Duchêne–Rigo conjecture Authors: U Larsson, P Hegarty, AS Fraenkel Journal: Theoretical Computer Science, 412 (8-10), 729-735, 2011 Citations: 38

Guaranteed scoring games Authors: U Larsson, JP Neto, RJ Nowakowski, CP Santos Journal: arXiv preprint arXiv:1505.07905, 2015 Citations: 36

The ⋆-operator and invariant subtraction games Author: U Larsson Journal: Theoretical Computer Science, 422, 52-58, 2012 Citations: 30

Games with guaranteed scores and waiting moves Authors: U Larsson, RJ Nowakowski, CP Santos Journal: International Journal of Game Theory, 47 (2), 653-671, 2018 Citations: 27

Permutations of the natural numbers with prescribed difference multisets Authors: P Hegarty, U Larsson Journal: Integers, 6, A3, 2006 Citations: 27

2-Pile Nim with a restricted number of move-size imitations Author: U Larsson Journal: INTEGERS, 9, 671-690, 2009 Citations: 24

Author Metrics 📊 : 

Dr. Larsson’s research has been cited extensively, demonstrating its impact and relevance in the academic community. His publications have appeared in prestigious journals and conference proceedings, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in Combinatorial Game Theory and related disciplines.

📅 Research Timeline:

Dr. Larsson’s academic journey encompasses a diverse range of experiences and achievements. From his doctoral studies in Sweden to his research fellowships in Singapore and Canada, he has continually pursued excellence in mathematics and game theory. His current position at IIT Bombay reflects his commitment to teaching, research, and academic leadership.