Title: Tackling complications of coronavirus infection with quercetin: observations and hypotheses
Authors: SB Palghadmal, PS Kulkarni, V Makadia, MJ Deshmukh, PS Gondhale, …
Journal: Exploratory Research and Hypothesis in Medicine
Volume and Issue: 6 (4)
Pages: 193-204
Year: 2021
Title: Development and validation of HPLC-UV method for the quantitative analysis of carcinogenic organic impurities and its isomers in the sodium polystyrene sulfonate polymer
Authors: P Zinjad, P Gondhale, S Kulkarni, B Musmade, S Bhope, S Padmanabhan
Journal: Acta Chromatographica
Volume and Issue: 33 (2)
Pages: 162-169
Year: 2021
Title: Quantitative Determination of Related Substances in Formoterol Fumarate and Tiotropium in Tiomate Transcaps® Dry Powder Inhaler
Authors: PS Gondhale, BV Cheriyan
Journal: Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Volume and Issue: 19 (1)
Pages: 35
Year: 2022
Title: Quantitative determination of related substances for Lamotrigine extended release tablet by RP-HPLC
Authors: P Gondhale-Karpe, S Manwatkar
Journal: Heliyon
Volume and Issue: 9 (5)
Year: 2023
Title: Method Development and Validation for Determining Formoterol Fumarate and Tiotropium in Tiomate Transcaps Dry Powder Inhaler
Authors: PS Gondhale, BV Cheriyan
Journal: Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal
Volume and Issue: 55 (12)
Pages: 1416-1427
Year: 2022
Author Metrics 📊 :
Her publications reflect a commitment to quality, with notable articles like “Quantitative determination of related substances for Lamotrigine extended release tablet” earning recognition with an Impact Factor (IF) of 4.0.