Dr Bahrawar Said | Market Microstructure | Best Scholar Award |

Dr. Bahrawar Said | Market Microstructure | Best Scholar Award.

University of Wah, Pakistan

Professional Profiles:




 👨‍🎓 Bio Summary:

Dr. Bahrawar Said is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management Sciences at the University of Wah. Born on March 10, 1989, he holds a Ph.D. in Management Sciences with a specialization in Finance. His areas of focus include Market Microstructure and Efficiency. He joined the University of Wah in 2022 and has accumulated five years of experience in academia.

🎓 Educational Background:

Dr. Bahrawar Said holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) majoring in Finance, a Master of Management Sciences in Finance, and a Ph.D. in Management Sciences with a major in Finance. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Wah, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. During his Ph.D., he was awarded a one-year research grant that allowed him to conduct research at the Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. He also serves as an associate editor of the University of Wah Journal of Management Sciences. With six years of teaching experience, Dr. Said has supervised two Ph.D. students and eight MS students and is currently supervising four MS students in various fields of finance. He has completed a significant research project titled “Capacitating Business Graduates of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with Employability Skills” worth 4 million PKR. Dr. Said has published 10 articles in his field and has several working papers under review in Q1 journals. He has also organized key academic events, including a job fair and the first National Research Conference in Business and Management at the University of Malakand.

🔍 Research, Innovations, and Extension:

Dr. Bahrawar Said has completed one research project and has ongoing research activities. His work has garnered 35 citations in Scopus/Web of Science. He has published five journals in SCI and SCIE indexes and holds 15 editorial appointments in various journals and conferences. Dr. Said has presented his research at 25 conferences and has an H-index of 1 based on Scopus/Web of Science. He has organized 22 workshops and research conferences, contributing significantly to the academic community. His collaborative research efforts have led to joint publications and projects, and he has established 14 functional MoUs with other universities and industries. Dr. Said has visited three countries for research activities and is a member of five professional bodies. His research areas include Market Microstructure, Market Efficiency, Behavioral Finance, and Entrepreneurial Finance.

🏆 Contribution Towards Research & Development, Innovations, and Extension Activities:

Dr. Bahrawar Said is actively involved in research development at the university level. He plans to hold seasonal events to connect research scholars and academic members, fostering collaboration and idea exchange to enhance the university’s research status. He is responsible for improving the quality and quantity of workshops on research techniques, ethics, knowledge translation, and technology development within the management school. Dr. Said is currently working on a project proposal titled “Capacitating Business Graduates with Entrepreneurial Skills,” aimed at furthering research and innovation in his field.

💼 Personal/Research Proofs, Category of Award, and Declaration:

Dr. Bahrawar Said has provided links to his Google Scholar, ResearchGate, and LinkedIn profiles as proof of his research publications. His institutional ID and education certificate links are also included for verification. He has applied for the Best Research Scholar Award and has declared that the information provided is accurate to the best of his knowledge

📚 Top Noted Publications :


Title: Covid-19 and informational efficiency in Asian emerging markets: a comparative study of conventional and Shariah-compliant stocks
Authors: MW Raza, B Said, A Elshahat
Citations: 12
Index: International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management
Year of Publication: 2023

Title: Impact of Organizational Communication Strength on Employee Engagement: The Mediating Role of Perceived Supervisor Support and Moderating Role of Organizational Trust
Authors: SM Muzammel Shah, Bahrawar Said
Citations: 9*
Index: Journal of Business & Tourism (JBT)
Year of Publication: 2019

Title: Investor Overreaction and Global Financial Crisis: A Case of Pakistan Stock Exchange
Authors: B Said, SU Rehman, R Ullah, J Khan
Citations: 7
Index: Cogent Economics & Finance
Year of Publication: 2021

Title: Impact of Leadership Responses to Communication Challenges in Organizational Development
Authors: BSM Shah
Citations: 6
Index: Paradigms
Year of Publication: 2017

Title: Analysis of Investor Overreaction Effect and Random Walk: A Case Study of Pakistan Stock Exchange
Authors: SU Rehman, B Said
Citations: 5
Index: Sarhad Journal of Management Sciences
Year of Publication: 2019



Based on the provided information, Dr. Bahrawar Said appears to be a suitable candidate for the Best Research Scholar Award. His academic achievements, extensive research experience, and contributions to the field of finance, particularly in Market Microstructure and Efficiency, demonstrate his dedication and expertise. With a strong background in teaching, supervising research students, and publishing in reputable journals, Dr. Said’s qualifications align well with the criteria for the award. His commitment to enhancing research development at the university level further strengthens his candidacy.