Title: Firm social management system for supporting IoT users in application environment
Authors: Huang, Y.
Journal: Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2024, 224, 103840
Abstract: This article discusses a firm social management system designed to support IoT users in application environments. The link to the article and related documents is disabled, and it has not yet received any citations.
Title: BAS-ALSTM: analyzing the efficiency of artificial intelligence-based English translation system
Authors: Li, S., Huang, Y.
Journal: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2024, 15(1), pp. 765β777
Abstract: This study evaluates the efficiency of an artificial intelligence-based English translation system. The link to the article and related documents is disabled, and it has not yet received any citations.
Title: Design of Fruit-Carrying Monitoring System for Monorail Transporter in Mountain Orchard
Authors: Li, Z., Zhou, Y., Lyu, S., Yi, Y., Zhao, C.
Journal: Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 2023, 32(15), 2350264
Abstract: This paper presents the design of a monitoring system for monitoring fruit-carrying monorail transporters in mountain orchards. The article is open access and has not yet received any citations.
Title: Improved SVM-Based Soil-Moisture-Content Prediction Model for Tea Plantation
Authors: Huang, Y.
Journal: Plants, 2023, 12(12), 2309
Abstract: This article presents an improved SVM-based prediction model for soil-moisture content in tea plantations. The article is open access and has received 1 citation.
Title: Design of a Cargo-Carrying Analysis System for Mountain Orchard Transporters Based on RGB-D Data
Authors: Li, Z., Zhou, Y., Zhao, C., Wen, W., Huang, Y.
Journal: Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2023, 13(10), 6059
Abstract: This paper discusses the design of an analysis system for analyzing cargo-carrying mountain orchard transporters using RGB-D data. The article is open access and has not yet received any citations.
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