Dr Mia Shaw | Learning sciences | Best Researcher Award |

Dr. Mia Shaw | Learning sciences | Best Researcher Award.

New York University,United States

Professional Profiles:




👨‍🎓 Bio Summary:

Dr. Mia S. Shaw is an Assistant Professor and Faculty Fellow at NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. She holds a Ph.D. in Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education from the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Shaw specializes in integrating technology and arts in education to support marginalized communities, particularly focusing on Black girls’ computing education through innovative methodologies like electronic textiles and quilt-making.

🎓 Education:

Dr. Shaw earned her Ph.D. in Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education from the University of Pennsylvania in 2023, with a dissertation committee led by Yasmin Kafai. She also holds an M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, obtained in 2014, and a B.A. in Human Biology with Honors from Stanford University, awarded in 2012.

🔍 Research Focus:

Dr. Shaw’s research is centered on reimagining educational practices for marginalized groups, particularly Black girls, through the integration of arts and technology. Her work explores how quilt-making and electronic textiles can serve as powerful tools for storytelling and identity formation, fostering inclusive and engaging learning environments.

🏆 Honors & Awards:

Dr. Shaw has received numerous fellowships and awards, including the prestigious New York University Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship (Fall 2023-present), the Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship (Spring 2022), and the Lucas Education Research Student Voice in PBL Fellowship (Summer 2017-Spring 2018). She also participated in various retreats and writing fellowships, such as the Curriculum Inquiry Writing Fellowship in Summer 2022.

Professional Experience: 💼

Currently, Dr. Shaw serves as an Assistant Professor and Faculty Fellow at NYU Steinhardt, where she teaches graduate-level courses and co-organizes university, museum, and community workshops. Her prior experience includes roles as a qualitative researcher at the University of New Mexico, a Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellow, and a research assistant at the University of Pennsylvania. She has also been an instructor at TeenSHARP and a program coordinator for Techbridge Girls.

 📚 Top Noted Publications :

Stitching the Loop with Electronic Textiles: Promoting Equity in High School Students’ Competencies and Perceptions of Computer Science
Authors: Y.B. Kafai, D.A. Fields, D.A. Lui, J.T. Walker, M.S. Shaw, G. Jayathirtha
Citation Index: 50
Year of Publication: 2019
Published In: Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science

Charting the Identity Turn in K-12 Computer Science Education: Developing More Inclusive Learning Pathways for Identities
Authors: M. Shaw, Y. Kafai
Citation Index: 23
Year of Publication: 2020
Published By: International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS)

Communicating about Computational Thinking: Understanding Affordances of Portfolios for Assessing High School Students’ Computational Thinking and Participation Practices
Authors: D. Fields, D. Lui, Y. Kafai, G. Jayathirtha, J. Walker, M. Shaw
Citation Index: 20
Year of Publication: 2023
Published In: Assessing Computational Thinking, pp. 112-146

Connecting with Computer Science: Electronic Textile Portfolios as Ideational Identity Resources for High School Students
Authors: M.S. Shaw, D.A. Fields, Y.B. Kafai
Citation Index: 18
Year of Publication: 2019
Published In: International Journal of Multicultural Education, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 22-41

Codequilt: Designing an Hour of Code Activity for Creative and Critical Engagement with Computing
Authors: Y. Kafai, G. Jayathirtha, M. Shaw, L. Morales-Navarro
Citation Index: 14
Year of Publication: 2021
Published In: Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children

Author Metrics 📊 : 

Dr. Shaw’s research has been well-received within the academic community, with several of her articles published in high-impact journals. Her contributions have significantly influenced the fields of education, computer science, and multicultural studies.

📅 Research Timeline:

Dr. Shaw’s academic journey began with her undergraduate studies in Human Biology at Stanford University, followed by her master’s degree at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She then pursued her doctoral studies at the University of Pennsylvania, where she conducted groundbreaking research on integrating arts and technology in education. Her postdoctoral fellowship at NYU Steinhardt marks the latest phase in her ongoing commitment to educational innovation and social justice.

Dr Tayyaba Tamim | Inclusion | Best Researcher Award |

Dr. Tayyaba Tamim | Inclusion | Best Researcher Award.

Lahore University of Managment Sciences,Pakistan

Professional Profiles:



👨‍🎓 Bio Summary:

Dr. Tayyaba Tamim is a distinguished educator and researcher focusing on social justice, equity, and inclusivity in education, particularly higher education. Her research delves into the marginalization processes related to languages, gender, caste, religion, disability, and their intersectionality in education. She employs qualitative and ethnographic methods to understand the lived experiences and underlying marginalizing dynamics within and beyond classrooms. Currently, she serves as the Dean of the Syed Ahsan Ali & Syed Maratib Ali School of Education at Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS).

🎓 Education:

Dr. Tamim earned her Ph.D. in Education from the University of Cambridge, UK, with a thesis titled “Capability Development: A Sociological Study of Languages in Education in Pakistan” (2006-2010). She holds an MPhil in Research in Second Language Education Across Cultures from the University of Cambridge, UK, with a thesis on the role of L1 in learning L2 (2004-2005). Additionally, she obtained an MA in English Language Teaching from Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore University (1998-1999), and an MA in English Language & Literature from the University of Punjab (1992-1994).

🔍 Research Focus:

Dr. Tamim’s research interests include exploring marginalization in education concerning language, gender, caste, religion, and disability. She is particularly interested in how gender social norms intersect with educational opportunities and their impacts. Her work aims to push for equality in educational opportunities by understanding the experiences of marginalized groups through strong theoretical frameworks and qualitative research.

🏆 Honors & Awards:

Dr. Tamim has received numerous accolades for her contributions to education and research. Her work has been recognized internationally, and she has successfully secured significant funding for research projects aimed at understanding and addressing educational inequalities.

Professional Experience: 💼

Dr. Tamim has held various academic and administrative roles throughout her career. She is currently the Dean of the Syed Ahsan Ali & Syed Maratib Ali School of Education at LUMS (2024-present). She has also served as Director of Academics, Faculty Lead of the Paedagogical Partnership Programme at LUMS Learning Institute, and Chair of the Department of Social Sciences at Lahore School of Economics. Her past roles include Director Academics at Shaheed Zulfizqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology and Assistant Professor at Aga Khan University.

📚 Top Noted Publications :

Title: Women and Higher Education in COVID-19 Times: Challenges and Possibilities for Sustainable Development
Author: Tamim, T.
Citation: World Sustainability Series, 2021, pp. 443–463
Index: 0 Citations
Year of Publish: 2021

Title: Language, Class, and Education: Deconstructing the Centre to Rethink Inclusivity in Education in Pakistan
Author: Tamim, T.
Citation: Cogent Education, 2021, 8(1), 1897933
Index: 9 Citations
Year of Publish: 2021

Title: Monolingual Policies and Plurilingual Practices in English Language Classrooms: Addressing Shared Guilt and Threats
Author: Tamim, T.
Citation: Asian EFL Journal, 2020, 27(2), pp. 241–268
Index: 1 Citation
Year of Publish: 2020

Title: The Intersection of Caste, Social Exclusion and Educational Opportunity in Rural Punjab
Authors: Tamim, T., Tariq, H.
Citation: International Journal of Educational Development, 2015, 43, pp. 51–62
Index: 10 Citations
Year of Publish: 2015

Title: The Politics of Languages in Education: Issues of Access, Social Participation and Inequality in the Multilingual Context of Pakistan
Author: Tamim, T.
Citation: British Educational Research Journal, 2014, 40(2), pp. 280–299
Index: 30 Citations
Year of Publish: 2014

Author Metrics 📊 : 

Dr. Tamim’s publications have been well-cited, reflecting her influence in the field of education research. Her work is frequently referenced in studies focusing on social justice, equity, and language education in Pakistan and beyond.

📅 Research Timeline:

2023-2024: Intersection of Gender and Class in Shaping Marginalized Youth Experiences in Higher Education (LUMS initiative)

2022-2025: Gender, Class, and Social Norms: Role of Schooling in Marginalized Communities (Gates Foundation)

2022-2025: Capacity Building of Pakistani Universities in Online Education with a Gender Focus (Erasmus+ CBHE funding scheme)