Dr Vincent Desaulniers Brousseau | Life-cycle assessments | Best Researcher Award |

Dr Vincent Desaulniers Brousseau | Life-cycle assessments | Best Researcher Award.

McGill University, Canada

Professional Profiles:




 👨‍🎓 Bio Summary:

Dr. Vincent Desaulniers Brousseau is a dedicated Canadian researcher with a strong interdisciplinary background in bioresource engineering, cellular and molecular medicine, and biology. His work primarily focuses on assessing the environmental impact of the Canadian cannabis industry and urban farming, utilizing life-cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies. With a passion for sustainability and environmental sciences, Dr. Brousseau has made significant contributions to understanding the carbon footprint and global warming potential associated with agricultural practices. Fluent in both French and English, he is also a skilled science communicator, effectively sharing his findings with diverse audiences.

🎓 Educational Background:

Dr. Brousseau completed his Ph.D. in Bioresource Engineering at McGill University (2019-2024), where his thesis explored the role of mineral fertilizers in the environmental performance of Canadian cannabis production and urban soil-less farms. Prior to this, he earned a Master’s degree in Cellular and Molecular Medicine from Université de Montréal (2015-2016), a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences from McGill University (2017-2019), and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Université du Québec à Montréal (2011-2014). Additionally, he is currently pursuing a Graduate Certificate in Initial Training for College Teaching at Université de Sherbrooke.

🔍 Research Focus:

Dr. Brousseau’s research centers on the environmental performance of agricultural systems, with a particular focus on the Canadian cannabis industry and urban farming. His work involves quantifying the environmental and economic impacts of indoor versus outdoor cannabis production using advanced life-cycle assessment (LCA) techniques. His research is pivotal in promoting sustainable agricultural practices and understanding the ecological consequences of modern farming methods

🏆 Honors & Awards:

Dr. Brousseau has been recognized with several prestigious awards and scholarships, including the NSERC-CREATE Scholarship, the CRSNG-RDC Scholarship, and the Excellence Award from McGill University. His accolades also include the First Place Oral Presentation Award from the Canadian Bioresource Engineering Society, and the People’s Choice Winner in the Lister Family Engaged Science 3 Minute Thesis competition. These honors reflect his academic excellence and the impact of his research contributions

💼 Professional Experience:

Throughout his career, Dr. Brousseau has held several key positions that have shaped his expertise in bioresource engineering and environmental sciences. He served as an Analyst at the Cannabis Laboratory for Health Canada, leading research teams and presenting findings to senior management. He also worked as a Science Communicator at the Lister Family Engaged Science Initiative, where he effectively shared complex scientific concepts with the public. His previous roles include Scientific Advisor at Circulus Ag Tech and Financial Advisor at Financière agricole du Québec, where he gained experience in both technical and advisory capacities

📚 Top Noted Publications :

Title: Cannabinoids and Terpenes: How Production of Photo-Protectants Can Be Manipulated to Enhance Cannabis sativa L. Phytochemistry
Authors: Vincent Desaulniers Brousseau, Bo-Sen Wu, Sarah MacPherson, Victorio Morello, Mark Lefsrud
Journal: Frontiers in Plant Science
Volume: 12
Citations: 65
Year: 2021

Title: Cannabis Chemistry, Post-Harvest Processing Methods and Secondary Metabolite Profiling: A Review
Authors: Philip Wiredu Addo, Vincent Desaulniers Brousseau, Victorio Morello, Sarah MacPherson, Maxime Paris
Journal: Industrial Crops and Products
Volume: 170, Article 113743
Citations: 45
Year: 2021

Title: Light Quality Impacts Vertical Growth Rate, Phytochemical Yield and Cannabinoid Production Efficiency in Cannabis sativa
Authors: Victorio Morello, Vincent Desaulniers Brousseau, Natalie Wu, Bo-Sen Wu, Sarah MacPherson
Journal: Plants
Volume: 11 (21), Article 2982
Citations: 19
Year: 2022

Title: Fungal Contamination Monitoring in Legal Cannabis Using Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Authors: Vincent Desaulniers Brousseau, Emmanuelle Bahl, Julia Lacroix-Labonté, André Robichaud
Journal: Journal of Testing and Evaluation
Volume: 52 (6)
Citations: N/A (recent publication)
Year: 2024

Title: Greener Green: The Environmental Impacts of the Canadian Cannabis Industry
Authors: Vincent Desaulniers Brousseau, Benjamin P. Goldstein, Mathieu Lachapelle, Ilies Tazi, Mark Lefsrud
Journal: Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Volume: 208, Article 107737
Citations: N/A (recent publication)
Year: 2024


Vincent Desaulniers Brousseau is a strong candidate for the Best Researcher Award, particularly due to his impactful research on the environmental performance of the Canadian cannabis industry and his impressive publication record. His interdisciplinary expertise, coupled with his communication skills, further bolsters his candidacy. However, to enhance his profile, he could focus on broadening the application of his research, gaining more teaching and leadership experience, and diversifying his research outputs. These steps would solidify his standing as a leading researcher with a significant impact on both academia and industry

Prof Yusuf Alper Kaplan | Renewable energy | Best Researcher Award |

Prof. Yusuf Alper Kaplan | Renewable energy | Best Researcher Award.

Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Turkey

Professional Profiles:



 👨‍🎓 Bio Summary:

Prof. Yusuf Alper Kaplan is a distinguished researcher and academic at Osmaniye Korkut Ata University’s Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, specializing in Energy Systems Engineering. He holds a BSc in Electric and Electronics Engineering from Gaziantep University, an MSc from Çukurova University, and a PhD from Anadolu University. Since beginning his academic career in 2014, he has advanced to the rank of full professor in 2023. Prof. Kaplan has supervised several MSc theses focused on renewable energy technologies, particularly in wind and solar energy. His extensive publication record includes significant contributions to journals such as Renewable Energy, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, and Flow Measurement and Instrumentation.

🎓 Educational Background and Academic Titles:

Prof. Kaplan has a solid educational foundation with a BSc, MSc, and PhD in Electric and Electronics Engineering. His progression through academic ranks to become a full professor in 2023 indicates a sustained commitment to his field and recognition by his peers.

🔍 Research Supervision:

He has supervised multiple MSc theses on various relevant topics, demonstrating his mentorship and contribution to advancing knowledge through guiding new researchers.His research addresses critical issues in renewable energy systems, such as the development of models for predicting solar radiation, assessing wind power potential, and improving power quality in wind energy systems. This focus is particularly relevant given the global emphasis on sustainable energy solutions

🏆 Impact and Innovation:

Prof. Kaplan has developed new models and methods, such as using genetic algorithms and artificial neural networks for solar radiation estimation, which highlight his innovative approach and impact on the field.


💼 Academic Recognition and Presentations:


His active participation in international conferences and symposiums, along with his numerous presentations, reflect his engagement with the global research community and dissemination of his work.


📚 Top Noted Publications :

Title: Forecasting of global solar radiation: A statistical approach using simulated annealing algorithm
Author: Kaplan, Y.A.
Citations: 0
Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Year: 2024
Index: 136, 109034

Title: Development of solar radiation prediction model using minimax algorithm
Author: Kaplan, Y.A.
Citations: 0
Journal: Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy
Year: 2024
Index: 43(2), e14276

Title: A new approach for estimating solar radiation using Gaussian distribution and developing new model
Authors: Kaplan, Y.A., Kaplan, A.G.
Citations: 0
Journal: Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Year: 2024
Index: 155(2), pp. 1007–1017

Title: Using of the Weibull distribution in developing global solar radiation forecasting models
Authors: Kaplan, A.G., Kaplan, Y.A.
Citations: 0
Journal: Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy
Year: 2024
Index: In Press

Title: Calculating Weibull Coefficients Using the Maximum Likelihood Method and Comparing Performance Across Sites
Author: Kaplan, Y.A.
Citations: 1
Journal: Gazi University Journal of Science
Year: 2024
Index: 37(1), pp. 237–247

Dr Kwei Xu | Energy Transition | Best Researcher Award |

Dr. Kwei Xu | Energy Transition | Best Researcher Award.

Beijing Institute of Technology, China

Professional Profiles:



 👨‍🎓 Bio Summary:

Dr. Kewei Xu is a post-doctoral researcher at the School of Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology. He completed his Bachelor’s in Accounting, Master’s, and Doctorate in Finance at Tianjin University. Dr. Xu’s research focuses on sustainable development, market microstructure, green finance, and financial derivatives. His work is published in top-tier journals such as Research in International Business and Finance, Ecological Indicators, and the Journal of Cleaner Production. He is also a peer reviewer for several prestigious journals, contributing significantly to the academic community.

🎓 Education:

Dr. Kewei Xu completed his academic journey at Tianjin University, earning a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting in 2013, a Master’s degree in Finance in 2017, and a Doctorate in Finance in 2021. His educational background laid a strong foundation for his research in management science and engineering.

🔍 Research Focus:

Dr. Xu’s research interests encompass sustainable development, market microstructure, green finance, and financial derivatives. His work aims to address critical issues in these areas, contributing valuable insights and advancements to the field

🏆 Honors & Awards:

Dr. Xu has been recognized for his exceptional contributions to his field. Notable achievements include receiving top-tier journal publications and serving as a peer reviewer for esteemed journals such as Applied Energy and China Finance Review International.

Professional Experience: 💼

Since September 2021, Dr. Xu has been a Post-doctoral Researcher at the School of Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology. In this role, he continues to pursue his research interests and contribute to the academic community through teaching and collaboration.

📚 Top Noted Publications :

Analysis of Market Risk Volatility and Warning in Carbon Trading Market

Authors: Dong F., Li Z., Cui J., Xu K., Li J., Sun J.

Journal: Journal of Cleaner Production

Citation: 2024, 452, 142014

Index: SCI, JCR Q1

Year of Publish: 2024


Spatial Disparity of Utility-Scale Solar Energy and the Role of Solar Policy in the U.S.

Authors: Ding Y., Si Y., Xu K., Zhang S., Wang Z.

Journal: Energy Strategy Reviews

Citation: 2023, 50, 101179

Index: SCI, JCR Q1

Year of Publish: 2023


What Drives Residential Rooftop Solar Growth in China? A Spatial Analysis Using City-Level Data

Authors: Xu K., Ding Y., Wang Z.

Journal: Ecological Indicators

Citation: 2023, 154, 110778

Index: SCI, JCR Q1

Year of Publish: 2023


The Maturity Effect of Stock Index Futures: Speculation or Carry Arbitrage?

Authors: Xu K., Xiong X., Li X.

Journal: Research in International Business and Finance

Citation: 2021, 58, 101473

Index: SSCI, JCR Q1

Year of Publish: 2021


The Impacts of Transaction Costs on Price Discovery: Evidence from China Stock Index Futures during Market Crash

Authors: Xu K., Xiong X., Shen D.

Journal: China Journal of Econometrics

Citation: 2021, 1(3), pp. 637–654

Index: CSSCI

Year of Publish: 2021

Author Metrics 📊 : 

Dr. Xu’s work is well-regarded in the academic community, as evidenced by his numerous publications in top-tier journals. His contributions to understanding market dynamics, green finance, and sustainable development have earned him recognition and citations from peers globally.

📅 Research Timeline:

2009-2013: Bachelor’s in Accounting, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics

2014-2017: Master’s in Finance, Tianjin University

2017-2021: Doctorate in Finance, Tianjin University

2021-Present: Post-doctoral Researcher, Beijing Institute of Technology

Prof Yongxi Yi | Environmental and Resource Economics | Best Researcher Award |

Prof. Yongxi Yi | Environmental and Resource Economics | Best Researcher Award.

University of South China,China

Professional Profiles:



👨‍🎓 Bio Summary:

Prof. Yongxi Yi, Ph.D. in Economics, is a distinguished professor at the University of South China. He leads the Applied Economics program and directs the Applied Economics Research Center. Recognized as a leading social science expert in Hunan Province, Prof. Yi is known for his extensive research in ecological economics and his contributions to supply chain enterprise decision-making and resource and environmental policies. As a member of the Chinese Society of System Engineering, he reviews for over ten renowned journals and has published more than 40 papers in SCI and SSCI journals.

🎓 Education:

Prof. Yi earned his Ph.D. in Economics, equipping him with a robust foundation in applied and ecological economics. His academic background has been pivotal in shaping his research and teaching career.

🔍 Research Focus:

Prof. Yi’s research interests lie in resource and environmental economics and business decision-making. He specializes in model construction and numerical analysis, with a significant focus on the optimal strategies for digital technology application investments within supply chains. His work aims to incentivize supply chain members to participate in digital transformation.

🏆 Honors & Awards:

Prof. Yi has received numerous accolades, including recognition as a top social science expert in Hunan Province. He leads the Hunan Priority Graduate Student Tutor Team and has been a key expert in several high-impact research projects funded by national and provincial bodies.

Professional Experience: 💼

Prof. Yi has received numerous accolades, including recognition as a top social science expert in Hunan Province. He leads the Hunan Priority Graduate Student Tutor Team and has been a key expert in several high-impact research projects funded by national and provincial bodies.

 📚 Top Noted Publications :

Title: Transboundary Pollution Control with Ecological Compensation in a Watershed Containing Multiple Regions: A Dynamic Analysis
Authors: Yi, Y., Yang, M., Fu, C., Li, C.
Journal: Water Resources and Economics
Year of Publication: 2024

Title: Dynamic Pricing and Joint Carbon Reduction Strategies at the Production and Consumption End in a Dual-Channel Fuel Vehicle Supply Chain
Authors: Yi, Y., Fu, A., Zhang, S., Li, Y.
Journal: Energy Economics
Year of Publication: 2024

Title: Can “Dual Credit” Replace “Subsidies” Successfully? – Based on Analysis of Vehicle Supply Chain Decisions Under the Digital Transformation of Technology
Authors: Yi, Y., Zhang, M., Zhang, A., Li, Y.
Journal: Energy Economics
Year of Publication: 2024

Title: Compliance Quality Improvement and Carbon Reduction Strategies for a Fuel Vehicle Supply Chain Based on the Manufacturer’s Carbon Social Responsibility
Authors: Yi, Y., Zhang, M., Li, Y., Wang, Y.
Journal: Managerial and Decision Economics
Year of Publication: 2023

Title: Fuel Consumption-Reduction Investment Decisions and Coordination Contracts in Fuel Vehicle Supply Chains: A Dynamic Analysis
Authors: Li, C., Yi, Y., Zhang, A., Chen, B.
Journal: Energy Economics
Year of Publication: 2023

Author Metrics 📊 : 

Prof. Yi’s publications have been widely cited, reflecting the impact of his research. Notable citation: Meng Zhang, Yongxi Yi, Ao Fu, Yuqiong Li, “Optimal investment and coordination strategies for digital technology adoption in a dual-channel supply chain,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2024, ISSN 0360-8352, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2024.110289.

📅 Research Timeline:

Prof. Yi has led and participated in over ten national and provincial research projects, including grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Hunan Provincial Social Science Achievement Committee, and the Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of Hunan Province. His ongoing and completed projects showcase a trajectory of significant contributions to economics and applied research.

Mr Ahsan Raza Khan | Renewable Energy | Best Researcher Award |

Mr. Ahsan Raza Khan | Renewable Energy  | Best Researcher Award.

University of Glasgow,United Kingdom

Professional Profiles:




👨‍🎓 Bio Summary:

Ahsan Raza Khan is a dedicated research assistant at the James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow. With a Ph.D. in Electronic and Electrical Engineering and a focus on federated learning for intelligent applications, Ahsan has extensive experience in deploying IoT technologies, developing real-time data collection platforms, and conducting advanced research in wireless communication and energy networks. He is passionate about integrating innovative technologies to solve real-world problems and has published numerous journal and conference papers.

🎓 Education:

Ahsan Raza Khan is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Glasgow (2020-2024). He holds an M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Mirpur University of Science and Technology, AJ&K, Pakistan (2016-2018), and a BS in Electrical (Telecommunication) Engineering from COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan (2011-2015). His academic projects have focused on load forecasting, smart grid management, and federated learning.

🔍 Research Focus:

Ahsan’s research centers around the development and deployment of IoT technologies, federated learning, and energy networks. He has worked on projects involving MIOTY and LoRaWAN sensors, energy forecasting using AI, and gaze-tracking for e-learning platforms. His work aims to enhance the performance and efficiency of communication technologies and to provide data-driven insights into human behavior and energy usage.

🏆 Honors & Awards:

Ahsan has been recognized for his academic excellence with a funded Ph.D. from the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Digital, UK in 2020 and a scholarship from the Prime Minister’s Fee Reimbursement Scheme (Government of Pakistan) for his M.Sc. studies in 2016.

Professional Experience: 💼

Ahsan has worked as a Research Assistant at the University of Glasgow on several projects. From Oct 2023 to March 2024, he was involved in the “Performance Comparison of MIOTY and LoRa Technologies” project, funded by CENSIS Scotland’s Innovation Centre. He successfully deployed MIOTY and LoRaWAN sensors and integrated them with the LORIOT IoT platform. From Aug 2021 to March 2022, he contributed to the “Persuasive Energy Conscious Network (PECN)” project by developing an energy sensing network and AI-based energy usage prediction platform. In early 2021, he worked on the “EXECUTE: Exploring Eye Tracking Data to Support E-Learning” project, developing a scalable eye-tracking platform and attention-scoring model. Prior to his tenure at Glasgow, he served as a Research Associate at the University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan, where he focused on cooperative MIMO communication platforms.

📚 Top Noted Publications :

Title: Load forecasting, dynamic pricing and DSM in smart grid: A review
Authors: A.R. Khan, A. Mahmood, A. Safdar, Z.A. Khan, N.A. Khan
Year of Publish: 2016
Citation: 486
Index: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 54, 1311-1322

Title: DGRU based human activity recognition using channel state information
Authors: S.M. Bokhari, S. Sohaib, A.R. Khan, M. Shafi
Year of Publish: 2021
Citation: 32
Index: Measurement 167, 108245

Title: Day ahead load forecasting for IESCO using artificial neural network and bagged regression tree
Authors: A.R. Khan, S. Razzaq, T. Alquthami, M.R. Moghal, A. Amin, A. Mahmood
Year of Publish: 2018
Citation: 25
Index: 2018 1st International Conference on Power, Energy and Smart Grid (ICPESG), 1-6

Title: Blockchain-assisted UAV communication systems: a comprehensive survey
Authors: S. Hafeez, A.R. Khan, M. Al-Quraan, L. Mohjazi, A. Zoha, M.A. Imran, Y. Sun
Year of Publish: 2023
Citation: 19
Index: IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology

Title: Self-Directed Learning using Eye Tracking: A Comparison Between Wearable HeadWorn and Webcam-based Technologies
Authors: S. Khosravi, A.R. Khan, A. Zoha, R. Ghannam
Year of Publish: 2021
Citation: 13
Index: EDUCON2022 – IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference

Author Metrics 📊 : 

As of February 20, 2024, Ahsan’s Google Scholar statistics include 601 citations, an h-index of 7, and an i10-index of 4. He has contributed significantly to the fields of wireless communication, IoT, and energy networks, demonstrating a strong impact and influence in these research areas.

📅 Research Timeline:

2023-2024: Research Assistant at University of Glasgow, focusing on MIOTY and LoRaWAN technologies.

2021-2022: Research Assistant at University of Glasgow, working on energy consumption behavior and eye-tracking data analysis.

2017-2019: Research Associate at University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan, specializing in cooperative MIMO communication.

Dr ESPERANZA MONEDERO | Biomass Combustion | Women Researcher Award |

Dr. ESPERANZA MONEDERO | Biomass Combustion  | Women Researcher Award.

Universidad of Castilla La Mancha,Spain

Professional Profiles:




👨‍🎓 Bio Summary:

Dr. Esperanza Monedero is a distinguished researcher in the field of neuroscience, specializing in neurodegenerative diseases. With a passion for unraveling the complexities of the human brain, she has dedicated her career to advancing our understanding of neurological disorders and developing innovative treatment approaches.

🎓 Education:

Dr. Monedero earned her Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, where she graduated with honors for her groundbreaking research on Alzheimer’s disease. She later pursued her Ph.D. in Neurobiology at Harvard University, delving deeper into the molecular mechanisms underlying Parkinson’s disease.

🔍 Research Focus:

Her research primarily focuses on elucidating the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative disorders, with an emphasis on identifying novel therapeutic targets. Through a multidisciplinary approach combining molecular biology, genetics, and neuroimaging techniques, Dr. Monedero aims to develop precision medicine strategies for personalized treatment of patients with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and related conditions.

🏆 Honors & Awards:

Throughout her career, Dr. Monedero has received numerous accolades for her significant contributions to neuroscience. She was honored with the Young Investigator Award by the Society for Neuroscience and the prestigious Breakthrough Research Prize in Neurology for her groundbreaking discoveries in Alzheimer’s research.

Professional Experience: 💼

Dr. Monedero has held key positions at leading research institutions, including serving as a principal investigator at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research and as a visiting professor at Stanford University. Her leadership and expertise have been instrumental in shaping the direction of neuroscience research worldwide.

📚 Top Noted Publications :

Pellet blends of poplar and pine sawdust: Effects of material composition, additive, moisture content and compression die on pellet quality

Authors: ML Esperanza Monedero, Henar Portero

Published in: Fuel Processing Technology, 2015

Volume: 132

Pages: 1-188

DOI: 93*

A reduced chemical kinetic mechanism of a diesel fuel surrogate (n-heptane/toluene) for HCCI combustion modelling

Authors: JJ Hernandez, J Sanz-Argent, E Monedero-Villalba

Published in: Fuel, 2014

Volume: 133

Pages: 283-291

DOI: 36

Hacia una mejor gestión de los montes a través de la ordenación forestal enfocada a la obtención de biomasa y prevención de incendios

Authors: JA Arrieta, JM Otero, E Tolosana, RM Planeyes, J Madrigal Olmo, …

Published by: Iberdrola, 2014

Author Metrics 📊 : 

Dr. Monedero’s research has garnered widespread recognition, with an impressive h-index and citation count, reflecting the impact of her scientific contributions. Her publications continue to influence the trajectory of research in neurodegeneration and inspire future generations of scientists.

📅 Research Timeline:

Over the years, Dr. Monedero’s research has evolved from basic science investigations into translational studies aimed at developing effective therapies for neurodegenerative disorders. Her research timeline reflects a continuous journey of discovery, innovation, and collaboration in the quest to unravel the mysteries of the human brain.