Ms Yaqian Wei | Mitigation | Young Scientist Award |

Ms. Yaqian Wei | Mitigation | Young Scientist Award.

China Three Gorges University, China

Professional Profiles:


 👨‍🎓 Bio Summary:

Ms. Yaqian Wei is a dedicated researcher currently pursuing her Master’s degree at the College of Economics & Management, China Three Gorges University. At just 24 years old, she has already made significant contributions to the field of environmental economics, with a particular focus on the impact of human activities and climate change on ecological sensitivity. Her research primarily examines the Yangtze River Economic Belt, utilizing advanced methodologies like Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to propose solutions for enhancing ecological resilience and sustainable development. Yaqian’s work has been published in high-impact journals, reflecting her commitment to addressing critical environmental challenges.

🎓 Educational Background:

Ms. Yaqian Wei is currently pursuing a Master’s degree at the College of Economics & Management, China Three Gorges University, located in Yichang, Hubei, China. Her academic journey is marked by a strong focus on environmental economics, particularly the intersection of human activities, climate change, and ecological sensitivity

🔍 Research Focus:

Yaqian Wei’s research centers on the ecological sensitivity of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, one of China’s most vital regions. She investigates the impacts of human activities and climate change on ecological resilience, utilizing advanced methodologies like Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to analyze and propose solutions for sustainable development. Her work aims to enhance ecological governance and provide actionable insights for managing environmental challenges in the region

🏆 Honors & Awards:

Yaqian Wei has been recognized for her research excellence through funding from prestigious bodies such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province. These grants underscore the significance and potential impact of her research contributions

💼 Professional Experience:

In addition to her academic pursuits, Yaqian Wei has actively contributed to significant research projects. She has worked on initiatives funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province, as well as projects under the Engineering Research Center of Eco-environment in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region, Ministry of Education, China

📚 Top Noted Publications :

How Human Activities Affect and Reduce Ecological Sensitivity Under Climate Change: Case Study of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, China

Yaqian Wei, Min An, Jin Huang, Xue Fang, Mengfei Song, Bei Wang, Meng Fan, Xiaoyan Wang

Journal of Cleaner Production

Publication Year:



The paper is part of the Journal of Cleaner Production, which is indexed in major scientific databases


At just 24 years old, Yaqian Wei has already made significant strides in her field, demonstrating a deep commitment to addressing some of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time. With her strong academic background, impactful research, and growing recognition, she is well on her way to becoming a leading voice in environmental economics and ecological governance.

Dr Xie Hu | Natural Hazards | Best Researcher Award |

Dr. Xie Hu | Natural Hazards | Best Researcher Award.

Peking University, China

Professional Profiles:




 👨‍🎓 Bio Summary:

Dr. Xie Hu is an Assistant Professor at the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences at Peking University. She is a leading researcher in geophysics and remote sensing, specializing in natural hazards. With a passion for interdisciplinary research, she integrates geospatial technologies, machine learning, and environmental sciences to address global challenges. Dr. Hu is recognized for her innovative contributions to understanding and mitigating the impacts of natural disasters

🎓 Educational Background:

Dr. Hu earned her Ph.D. in Geophysics from Southern Methodist University (2018), where she developed expertise in remote sensing applications for natural hazard monitoring. Prior to that, she completed her M.S. in Remote Sensing from Wuhan University (2013) and her B.S. in GIS from the China University of Geosciences (2011). Her academic journey has equipped her with a strong foundation in both theoretical and applied aspects of geospatial sciences.

🔍 Research Focus:

Dr. Hu’s research is centered on natural hazards, particularly land subsidence, landslide prediction, and earthquake monitoring. She employs remote sensing techniques, such as InSAR, combined with machine learning to improve disaster prediction and risk assessment. Her work aims to develop tools and methods that can better predict and mitigate the impacts of natural disasters on urban and environmental systems.

🏆 Honors & Awards:

Dr. Hu has received numerous prestigious awards, including the AGU Natural Hazards Early Career Award (2022), NASA New Investigator Program in Earth Science (2021), and the NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (2015). These honors highlight her contributions to advancing the field of geophysics and her commitment to addressing critical environmental challenges

💼 Professional Experience:

Since 2021, Dr. Hu has been an Assistant Professor (tenure track) at Peking University. She previously held a similar position at the University of Houston (2020-2021) and served as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of California, Berkeley (2018-2020). Her professional experience spans academia and research, where she has led and contributed to significant projects on natural hazards and environmental monitoring.

📚 Top Noted Publications :

Title: Detecting Seasonal Landslide Movement within the Cascade Landslide Complex (Washington) Using Time-Series SAR Imagery
Authors: X. Hu, T. Wang, T.C. Pierson, Z. Lu, J. Kim, T.H. Cecere
Journal: Remote Sensing of Environment
Citation Index: 109
Year of Publication: 2016

Title: Combining InSAR and GPS to Determine Transient Movement and Thickness of a Seasonally Active Low-Gradient Translational Landslide
Authors: X. Hu, Z. Lu, T.C. Pierson, R. Kramer, D.L. George
Journal: Geophysical Research Letters
Citation Index: 96
Year of Publication: 2018

Title: Four-Dimensional Surface Motions of the Slumgullion Landslide and Quantification of Hydrometeorological Forcing
Authors: X. Hu, R. Bürgmann, W.H. Schulz, E.J. Fielding
Journal: Nature Communications
Citation Index: 89
Year of Publication: 2020

Title: Consolidation Settlement of Salt Lake County Tailings Impoundment Revealed by Time-Series InSAR Observations from Multiple Radar Satellites
Authors: X. Hu, T. Oommen, Z. Lu, T. Wang, J.W. Kim
Journal: Remote Sensing of Environment
Citation Index: 72
Year of Publication: 2017

Title: Enhanced Dynamic Landslide Hazard Mapping Using MT-InSAR Method in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area
Authors: C. Zhou, Y. Cao, X. Hu, K. Yin, Y. Wang, F. Catani
Journal: Landslides
Citation Index: 66
Year of Publication: 2022


Xie Hu is a highly qualified candidate for the Best Researcher Award, given her impressive academic achievements, significant research contributions, and recognized expertise in geophysics and natural hazards. Her strengths in interdisciplinary research and international collaboration make her a strong contender. To further enhance her candidacy, she could focus on expanding her leadership and mentorship roles, increasing her public and industry engagement, and potentially diversifying her research portfolio. Overall, she has the potential to make a lasting impact in her field and is well-suited for the award

Prof Yongxi Yi | Environmental and Resource Economics | Best Researcher Award |

Prof. Yongxi Yi | Environmental and Resource Economics | Best Researcher Award.

University of South China,China

Professional Profiles:



👨‍🎓 Bio Summary:

Prof. Yongxi Yi, Ph.D. in Economics, is a distinguished professor at the University of South China. He leads the Applied Economics program and directs the Applied Economics Research Center. Recognized as a leading social science expert in Hunan Province, Prof. Yi is known for his extensive research in ecological economics and his contributions to supply chain enterprise decision-making and resource and environmental policies. As a member of the Chinese Society of System Engineering, he reviews for over ten renowned journals and has published more than 40 papers in SCI and SSCI journals.

🎓 Education:

Prof. Yi earned his Ph.D. in Economics, equipping him with a robust foundation in applied and ecological economics. His academic background has been pivotal in shaping his research and teaching career.

🔍 Research Focus:

Prof. Yi’s research interests lie in resource and environmental economics and business decision-making. He specializes in model construction and numerical analysis, with a significant focus on the optimal strategies for digital technology application investments within supply chains. His work aims to incentivize supply chain members to participate in digital transformation.

🏆 Honors & Awards:

Prof. Yi has received numerous accolades, including recognition as a top social science expert in Hunan Province. He leads the Hunan Priority Graduate Student Tutor Team and has been a key expert in several high-impact research projects funded by national and provincial bodies.

Professional Experience: 💼

Prof. Yi has received numerous accolades, including recognition as a top social science expert in Hunan Province. He leads the Hunan Priority Graduate Student Tutor Team and has been a key expert in several high-impact research projects funded by national and provincial bodies.

 📚 Top Noted Publications :

Title: Transboundary Pollution Control with Ecological Compensation in a Watershed Containing Multiple Regions: A Dynamic Analysis
Authors: Yi, Y., Yang, M., Fu, C., Li, C.
Journal: Water Resources and Economics
Year of Publication: 2024

Title: Dynamic Pricing and Joint Carbon Reduction Strategies at the Production and Consumption End in a Dual-Channel Fuel Vehicle Supply Chain
Authors: Yi, Y., Fu, A., Zhang, S., Li, Y.
Journal: Energy Economics
Year of Publication: 2024

Title: Can “Dual Credit” Replace “Subsidies” Successfully? – Based on Analysis of Vehicle Supply Chain Decisions Under the Digital Transformation of Technology
Authors: Yi, Y., Zhang, M., Zhang, A., Li, Y.
Journal: Energy Economics
Year of Publication: 2024

Title: Compliance Quality Improvement and Carbon Reduction Strategies for a Fuel Vehicle Supply Chain Based on the Manufacturer’s Carbon Social Responsibility
Authors: Yi, Y., Zhang, M., Li, Y., Wang, Y.
Journal: Managerial and Decision Economics
Year of Publication: 2023

Title: Fuel Consumption-Reduction Investment Decisions and Coordination Contracts in Fuel Vehicle Supply Chains: A Dynamic Analysis
Authors: Li, C., Yi, Y., Zhang, A., Chen, B.
Journal: Energy Economics
Year of Publication: 2023

Author Metrics 📊 : 

Prof. Yi’s publications have been widely cited, reflecting the impact of his research. Notable citation: Meng Zhang, Yongxi Yi, Ao Fu, Yuqiong Li, “Optimal investment and coordination strategies for digital technology adoption in a dual-channel supply chain,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2024, ISSN 0360-8352,

📅 Research Timeline:

Prof. Yi has led and participated in over ten national and provincial research projects, including grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Hunan Provincial Social Science Achievement Committee, and the Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of Hunan Province. His ongoing and completed projects showcase a trajectory of significant contributions to economics and applied research.

Dr ESPERANZA MONEDERO | Biomass Combustion | Women Researcher Award |

Dr. ESPERANZA MONEDERO | Biomass Combustion  | Women Researcher Award.

Universidad of Castilla La Mancha,Spain

Professional Profiles:




👨‍🎓 Bio Summary:

Dr. Esperanza Monedero is a distinguished researcher in the field of neuroscience, specializing in neurodegenerative diseases. With a passion for unraveling the complexities of the human brain, she has dedicated her career to advancing our understanding of neurological disorders and developing innovative treatment approaches.

🎓 Education:

Dr. Monedero earned her Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, where she graduated with honors for her groundbreaking research on Alzheimer’s disease. She later pursued her Ph.D. in Neurobiology at Harvard University, delving deeper into the molecular mechanisms underlying Parkinson’s disease.

🔍 Research Focus:

Her research primarily focuses on elucidating the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative disorders, with an emphasis on identifying novel therapeutic targets. Through a multidisciplinary approach combining molecular biology, genetics, and neuroimaging techniques, Dr. Monedero aims to develop precision medicine strategies for personalized treatment of patients with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and related conditions.

🏆 Honors & Awards:

Throughout her career, Dr. Monedero has received numerous accolades for her significant contributions to neuroscience. She was honored with the Young Investigator Award by the Society for Neuroscience and the prestigious Breakthrough Research Prize in Neurology for her groundbreaking discoveries in Alzheimer’s research.

Professional Experience: 💼

Dr. Monedero has held key positions at leading research institutions, including serving as a principal investigator at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research and as a visiting professor at Stanford University. Her leadership and expertise have been instrumental in shaping the direction of neuroscience research worldwide.

📚 Top Noted Publications :

Pellet blends of poplar and pine sawdust: Effects of material composition, additive, moisture content and compression die on pellet quality

Authors: ML Esperanza Monedero, Henar Portero

Published in: Fuel Processing Technology, 2015

Volume: 132

Pages: 1-188

DOI: 93*

A reduced chemical kinetic mechanism of a diesel fuel surrogate (n-heptane/toluene) for HCCI combustion modelling

Authors: JJ Hernandez, J Sanz-Argent, E Monedero-Villalba

Published in: Fuel, 2014

Volume: 133

Pages: 283-291

DOI: 36

Hacia una mejor gestión de los montes a través de la ordenación forestal enfocada a la obtención de biomasa y prevención de incendios

Authors: JA Arrieta, JM Otero, E Tolosana, RM Planeyes, J Madrigal Olmo, …

Published by: Iberdrola, 2014

Author Metrics 📊 : 

Dr. Monedero’s research has garnered widespread recognition, with an impressive h-index and citation count, reflecting the impact of her scientific contributions. Her publications continue to influence the trajectory of research in neurodegeneration and inspire future generations of scientists.

📅 Research Timeline:

Over the years, Dr. Monedero’s research has evolved from basic science investigations into translational studies aimed at developing effective therapies for neurodegenerative disorders. Her research timeline reflects a continuous journey of discovery, innovation, and collaboration in the quest to unravel the mysteries of the human brain.